Enjoy the Convenience of Reveal Clear Aligners in Normal IL
Once upon a time, straightening your teeth was a complicated, bothersome, and painful experience. You had to seek out a specialist, often having to travel, instead of making a simple visit to your dentist. Then you had to have attachments, or “buttons,” anchored to your teeth so wire could pull them in line. Finally, you had to laboriously clean those attachments every time you ate. Worst of all, certain foods just couldn’t be eaten. And then there were the trips to those specialists to painfully twist tension into your braces. Fortunately, today you can get Reveal Clear Aligners in Normal IL. Cottage Dental Care will help you straighten your smile with ease.
The Reveal Clear Aligners Difference
Reveal Clear Aligners are a series of custom-made trays that use a unique manufacturing process to apply gentle pressure throughout two-week periods to align your teeth. Reveal allows your smile to shine as you straighten it. That’s because it is transparent throughout its use. It doesn’t obstruct your teeth with cumbersome braces. You can even remove them to eat and brush your teeth.
Reveal Clear Aligners also utilize a unique material to create comfortable, transparent trays that won’t stain or yellow during the duration of their use. For the entire two weeks you are using your aligners, you can be sure your smile will stay seen and your aligners will barely be noticed.
Get True Convenience with Cottage Dental Care
Best of all, no need to see anyone but your team at Cottage Dental Care for Reveal Clear Aligners in Normal, IL. The team at Cottage Dental Care will be with you from the first session, taking images and impressions of your teeth. Then, we take you to the finish of your aligning and beyond. Our skilled, well trained, and professional staff will be able to adjust as necessary along the way. In fact, we work directly with the Reveal manufacturer to ensure your unique movement needs are met.
Choose Reveal Clear Aligners Normal IL
Are you ready to show off perfect pearly whites? We invite you to get in touch to discover the benefits of Reveal Clear Aligners in Normal IL. Feel free to use our online chat feature to ask any questions. Or, to get an appointment, contact us today at 309-828-1463. We can’t wait to show you what we can do for you.